My Story
Hello! My name is Precious J. Bradley. I am an Entrepeneur, Educator, Author, and Proud DOULA. I grew up in Jacksonville, NC. I received my B.S in Journalism and Mass Communication (Broadcast Production) from North Carolina A&T State University in 2013.
I come from a line of women who assist in childbirth. I became inspired once I heard the story of my great-grandmother who helped her community by birthing babies. My favorite thing about being a doula is being able to create the birth plan. Each birth plan is so unique to the mother's needs. It is exciting to hear parents visions around birth. It shows you just how much diversity one has in their community.
If I could change one thing, I'd love to see mothers feel more empowered about birth from the very beginning. Western society can sometimes create fear and pressure around childbirth, and I want to help women approach it with confidence and joy.

My Philosophy
Having a doula not only offers constant support during labor but, studies have shown that having a doula during labor and delivery decreases the overall cesarean rate. Having a doula can also decrease the length of labor. By being in a relaxed space and knowledgeable about what is happening around, one can speed up the labor process. A doula can also decreases the use of oxytocin and requests for an epidural. A doula implements a number of ways to manage labor pain, which can replace western medicine.
As outlined in the Doulas of North America’s Code of Ethics, the doula’s primary responsibility is to the client. The doula is to assist the client to be sure that the client has the best labor and delivery experience as she defines it. The doula takes on the client’s value as her own. The doula makes sure the client is well informed with each major stage in the labor process. When things don’t go as planned, the job of the doula is to make her client comfortable with adjustments when quick actions and other interventions are needed. Doulas try to solve conflicts that may arise during the labor and delivery by; using good communication skills and encouraging the client to speak for herself. A doula can help a client compromise, negotiate, and adjust to the changes being made.
A doula cannot TELL a client what to do. The doula is to respect the privacy of clients and keep all identifying and important information confidential, while keeping all contact professional. This means that under no circumstance should a doula give out identifying information to anyone about the client, unless the client gives permission to share information with others.
My Training
Certified Labor Doula
Doulas of North America, 2018
Diploma of Childbirth Education
YWCA Greensboro, 2016

“Precious created a peaceful and comforting environment for me. It was the best!”. Sierra L.
“I would recommend Precious as a doula to anyone. I was able to have a "drug-free birth just by controlling my breathing” Shae W.